Vaginoplasty Hair Removal

Our practice recommends hair removal prior to Vaginoplasty surgery. Although there is limited data, research has shown that hair growth within the neo-vaginal cavity may trap moisture, soap, secretions, lubricant necessary for dilations, etc., which may cause infection.

We recommend that you start your hair removal as soon as possible. You should allow at least 6-9 months for optimal hair removal. It is important that you do not have any hair removal sessions within 2 weeks of your surgery date. 

Please click the link below to download the hair removal template.

Hair Removal & Insurance

It is your responsibility, as a patient, to seek reimbursement from your insurance company directly. Your hair removal provider will be able to assist you in this process. The Crane Center will provide you with a letter of medical necessity from our office following your initial consultation.

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