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Hair Removal Recommendations

Please start your hair removal as soon as possible. You should allow at least 6-9 months for optimal hair removal.It is important that you do not have any hair removal sessions within 2 weeks of your surgery date. The hair removal provider is responsible for handling the insurance process for their visits, but sometimes you may choose to seek reimbursement for these visits from your insurance company directly. This service may or may not be covered by your insurance. If you have any questions regarding hair removal, please reference our website or email or

*Please note that electrolysis is the only method of permanent hair removal available, we strongly recommend that you have this treatment, as laser hair removal only lessens the growth of hair. 



Crane Center, 512.446.9486

Skin Savvy, 512.840.0607

Laser & Electrolysis Studio, 512.459.6353

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